Tuesday 23 August 2011

I'm angry!!!

Well, orang tau la dia tu dapat jadi pengawas percubaan....So what? i don't give a damn S**T to you la. What the hell yang kau nak buat aku jadik macam budak bodo wat pa? nak buat taktau kat aku, nak buat kurang ajar ngan aku! Kau ingat kau tu sapa? Alo, anak cikgu, pastu dok ingat aku ni apa? Woi! mak aku cikgu pastu bapak aku pon pegawai! Kau nak kata apa? Ingat cantik sangat ?!Dok pi kat budak tu pastu dok mengata pasal aku, hang ingat hang tu apa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Without me , your nothing!
 Ah! dah hilang pon marah ni, kepada manusia yang baca ni, saya tak suka mencarut but today, I'm just really angry.Saya tujukan perkara ini kepada manusia yang selalu kata kay, fine. hang ingat hang tu cool sangat ka???????!!!!!!!!
 Aku dok ingat yang hang tu kawan aku yang aku boleh cerita segala masalah kat aku, yang aku boleh caya, so what did you give to me in return? nothing that ever give me benefits!You treated me like a trash.so now, I swear that I W.I.L.L. treat you back like what you did to me and actually, let me think about it back...Oh, right, I did it already. And I'll treat you, twice the pain that I feel ya get it? What are you going to do to me?Treat me like what? Oh, actually, I don't like the feeling of being betrayed by my friend that I trusted you upon my life and see, you treated me like a scumbag!
 What? you don't understand?Do I need to repeat myself twice?Are you deaf do you didn't understand what I just scribble in here?Wait, do you even know what scribble means?Wait, let me check, last time I checked, your result of English good right so I hope you understand what I just wrote, I hate you ! You Fu***g wretch!

Introducing, my boyfriend!!!

This is him!His name is L.Joe!!!the cutest person on the Earth!!! Ahhhh!!!!! L.Joe! L.Joe! L.Joe! Ahhhh!!!!
Today, I'm going to tell you about someone.(well, it's obvious that I'm talking about the person next to this!) Isn't he just cute??? Aww...... If you want to be my boyfriend, you must be as cute as him! Well, cutie cutie cutie baby.... Alololololo..... My cute boyfriend(I hope so) .... I hate the model in No More Perfume on You mv! Ma boy.......

Saturday 20 August 2011


Hye today to the people who reads my blog eventhough no one reads it I think...After I go back from my school, I thought that actually  I'm going home straight after school but, my mom took me somewhere....She took me to VM...With my scout uniform on... W.E.I.R.D ~~~ It's so hot at that time and I even think about to bukak posa(sori tak tau nk translate) walking through six hours(I think) from 12:30 until 6:20... ahh... so tired... My mom also took my 23 years old aunt with me and she brought her boyfriend!!!Also her boyfriend's adopted brother...Weird....
Well.....My mom bought me 3 brand new scarfs.And two new clothes (tak dicampur ngan yang ayah beli) isn't it fantastic??????

 Anyways, my aunts boyfriend I mean my aunt, bought me some chocolate~~ And her boyfriend gave me some ferrero roche(is it spelled righly?) chocolates too ahhhhh!!!
 Anyways(for the second time, ifeel really tired that when my mom brings me to the store that I didn't even notice..... It must be because o tired right???

Friday 19 August 2011

I hate lizards!! Cicak cicak cicak!!!!

OMG!!!! Tadi, I feel like to ehem ehem, you guys know lah kat toilet I. pastu, when i step in the toilet and ehem ehem, I pakai balik seluar pastu, you now what I see in the water tub?? I'ts floating in there!!! Bangkai cicak!!!! Terapung! warna biru!Ewww.... macam mana nk mandi ni! Tub air tu ada ada ada ada~~~~ CICAK!!!! Te te te te terapung....... ewww........ OMG !!!! I hate lizards!!!!!!!1

Buka Posa makan apa?

Hai, today, mommy masak simple ja..... alah, tak larat punya pasal, buat ayam goreng berempah(yang dah kena marinate awal awal la) pastu, sup brokoli, sambal petai (petai!!!) semalam..... pastu, air pulak , oren ais.... bak kata mommy, "Harini umi masak lauk yang paling simple di dunia", Tuan tuan dan puan puan, adakah lauk di atas simple untuk dimasak???? Comments are very very very appreciated!!!